Born on the mountains of Southtirol (I) I started early to like cross culture music and mix those. I love it to combine
different kind of music, from Vivaldi to Jodler, Balkan, Rock, Tarantella, Dubstep, Indie, breaks'n'acid with songwriter music, Drum&Bass or minimal tecno around the globe. My Dj-Sets
concerts tell themes of human existence like "crossing global", "Hope", "amore everywhere" or "SMILE" for very different and beautiful music&culture festivals, from sunset
to sunrise. I also remix music on commission.
Then I also studied work&organizational psycology and work since 2007 as coach, supervisor and organizational developer and Deejay.
I´m a lucky father.
global"、"Hope"、"amore everywhere"、"SMILE
Mag. phil. - socialpsychology: As son of migrants and as a migrant myself, I analysed under a socialpsycological point of view and with qualitative methods, a country internal migration fenomen:
"Die Migration von sizilianischen Männern nach Südtirol" 1998 Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck (A) - Institut für Psychologie
Dr. rer. nat. (PhD.) - occupational health psychology: Then I analysed under a organizational democracy and occupational health psychology interest, the effects of the organizational culture on stakeholder, workers and the leadership, developed at the worldwide notable NO RESTRAINT Department of mental health of Trieste (I): "Ein Walzer offener Türen. Eine arbeits- und organisationspsychologische Analyse der Reformpsychiatrie Triest" 2007
Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck (A) - Institut für Psychologie
Psychology of sport & mentalcoaching: "Sportpsychologie und Mentalcoaching im Leistungssport", Univ.Klinik Innsbruck (A) - Institut für Sport- und
Kreislaufmedizin (150 ECM) 2006
Coach/Supervisor: I work since 2004 as a Coach&Supervisor with the postgraduated formation in "Integrative Supervision und
Organisationsentwicklung" EAG-Europäische Akademie für psychosoziale Gesundheit - FPI - Fritz Perls
Institut Düsseldorf - dreijährig, 726 ECM i.A.) 2006